idea of a world tour on motor cycle took place in our minds
in June 1983. It did not hit us suddenly but rather grew naturally,
as a matter of course-given our common love for nature, adventure,
traveling, meeting people, and of course, motor cycles. Here
was something that, for some time at least would quench our
thirst for the above all at once. Here was a challenge which
would test all our aptitudes, resource fullness, ingenuity
and more in facing a wide range of situations and overcoming myriad
problems within a short span of time.
Magnanimously , the Bhilai Steel Plant Management gave us
the opportunity to go ahead with the project, and with the
enthusiastic support of people we met all over the country
what was but an idea an year ago will be concrete reality
come May ’84.
Personally, we stand to gain beyond measure from this venture.
A constant exposure to risks, test of endurance and uncertainities
will enhance our management and leadership qualities by increasing
our risk taking and decisions making abilities and by giving
us tremendous self confidence. Meeting and dealing with a
vide variety of people will add years to our experience and
will help develop our personalities with a much broader outlook.
Besides the obvious charm in seeing images formed from yellowing
History and Geography books leap alive before our very own
eyes, the tour will also open our minds. To the cultural,
social, economic and industrial developments and differences
all over the world.
During our tour, we shall make it a point to meet the maximum
number of local people wherever we are so as to ensure a continuous
exchange of ideas. We intend to take along with us slides
and films about India. Showing traditional India to ensure
a positive and substantial exposure of our great country.
We shall be abroad as moving ambassadors of good will of our
country, with the message of friendship and fraternity with
the people of all the nations of the world. Thus this trip
will do its own bit for the cause of international peace and
During our tour we shall do a lot of photography, and keep
meticulous notes and on our return shall try to
our experiences as our humble contribution towards the
promotion of adventure in Indian youth.